Emirates Walkway Hoarding

MAG Airport

Our primary objective for this project was to enhance the overall experience of Stansted customers as they make their way to the terminal. To achieve this, we crafted engaging messages that inspire and resonate with customers throughout their journey, whether travelling to exciting destinations or returning home. It was crucial for these messages to align with the Emirates brand identity, while also complementing the existing Emirates signage without duplicating it entirely.

To effectively communicate with customers, we adopted a clear and concise approach, dividing the messaging into three key segments: a warm welcome, highlighting the offerings, and a sincere thank-you message. Our intention was to make customers feel valued and appreciated, regardless of the stage they are at in their customer journey.

In order to convey the positive emotions associated with the airport experience, we carefully curated imagery that captures these sentiments. Furthermore, we ensured that our signage and hoarding adhered to the guidelines set by Stansted, thereby maintaining a consistent look and feel throughout the airport and its surroundings.

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